I just love getting in the automobile and driving away for the day (or even weekend)out of the blue. with my little boys. Nothing planned, just pick a direction and motor off from Salt Lake City. This time it was south and this part of Utah is so gorgeous as well, I just love it.
We usually visit ghost towns and really small towns. This time around we found a couple of towns that were once the largest cities in Utah but are now so small there isn't even a chain store (what a lovely thought, sincerely, I love that).
We spied a great museum in a small town called Fairview and stopped to have a look. Honestly I wasn't expecting much but this museum was quite swell!
There were many things the boys loved about it and so many things that I certainly did, such as these lovely gowns...
Look at the detail! I like very much that they had photographs of those who wore these.
This permanent wave machine pictured below! How I wish hairdressers still had these!
And a pretty amazing collection of "Antique" and "Vintage" Sewing Machines! Again, the Detail!
And Last, but of course not least....
Here is short film on this museum and if you ever find yourself in Utah stop by!
Here's a few snaps of just how gorgeous this area is!